Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The University of Ingolstadt

“…I should become a student at the university of Ingolstadt.” (pg. 38)

The University of Ingolstadt was established in 1472 bearing a range of academic studies for its students; these included humanities, science, theology, law, and medicine. The school was well equipped with medical supplies and housed such facilities as an anatomy theater and a chemistry lab. Shelley placed Frankenstein in this environment because it was ideal for Frankenstein’s realm of study and was key in jump starting his scientific ambitions. In addition to this, the University of Ingolstadt was where the Illuminati, a secret society of conspirators, was founded. Shelley may not have explicitly mentioned the Illuminati, but her intentions were to make a comparison between Frankenstein and the secret society as both kept their schemes under wraps.

"University of Ingolstadt." English Department - University Of Pennsylvania. Web. 13 Aug. 2009.

"Contexts -- Societies -- Illuminati." English Department - University Of Pennsylvania. Web. 13 Aug. 2009.

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