“…I was alone. I remembered Adam’s supplication to his Creator; but where was mine?” (pg. 155)
According to the Book of Genesis, God created Adam before Eve. Adam’s purpose was to look after the world, and God created animals so that Adam would not be alone. However, God realized that Adam needed a human partner and thus created Eve. Frankenstein’s monster compares himself to Adam in order to express his desire for a companion. Shelley references this biblical myth because Adam and Eve represent the epitome of a relationship and it shows that all creatures deserve partners. Yet, in the case of the Creature, who has a stressed relationship with his creator (unlike Adam did with God), the chances of being blessed with a partner are improbable.
"Adam and Eve - Myth Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia of Myths. Web. 14 Aug. 2009. http://www.mythencyclopedia.com/A-Am/Adam-and-Eve.html
Photo Credit: Adam and Eve. Digital image. Web. 14 Aug. 2009. http://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Advent/Adam&Eve.jpg
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